Class Documents

All of our shared documents are in Google Docs. These documents include PPTs, etc. Keep in mind that many of the documents will require that you are signed in to your Google Account.

Please click here to go to our documents.

You may also want to have a look at these videos to help you along in these tools.

Initial Set-up Videos:
  1. How to sign up for Google Groups
  2. How to organize shared Google Drive/Docs Folders
Additional Video Guides
IMPORTANT: If you decide that you want to share a Google Document with me, please use the following convention when naming your documents:
  • SP13-rm-YourLastName.FirstInitial-title of assignment
So let's say student Terry Smith wants to share the draft proposal with me, Terry would name the document as:
  • SP13-rm-Smith.T-draft proposal
This convention is important because students share many documents with me. If every student in a class named his/her document something such as "Draft Proposal," my Google Drive would end up looking something like this:
Instead, I need to be able to quickly look at a document name and be able to tell

  1. the semester and year the document was created, 
  2. the course, 
  3. who the student is and 
  4. what assignment it is
Compare the first screenshot to this one:

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